Welcome to the blog for the Villanova English department! Visit often for updates on department events, guest speakers, faculty and student accomplishments, and reviews and musings from professors and undergraduates alike.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

M.A. English alum publishes an article in the Steinbeck Review

Sam Covais, an alum of the Villanova English masters program, recently published "'A Guy Needs Somebody': A Study of Philia in Of Mice and Men." You can read the article here.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

New Undergraduate Literary Magazine at NYU

NYU students are launching The Weasel, a new undergraduate literary magazine open for submissions from students from any institution. They recently published our first edition and will be opening submissions for our next edition soon. More information can be found on their website

Besides our semester editions, they are launching an online publication for regular prose and poetry contributions on a website called Letters. This side of the magazine has rolling submissions, so students are welcome to submit their work at this google form .

Freedom School: The Question of Palestine

 English professors Yumi Lee, Mary Mullen, and Jesse Schwartz will lead a Freedom School session on Thursday, January 25 at 10:00 am in St. David's Room titled, "The Question of Palestine." This session borrows its title from the scholar and writer Edward Said, whose 1979 book The Question of Palestine sought to elucidate the roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for American readers and outline possibilities for peace. This question has taken on a renewed urgency today, as escalating war in Gaza has claimed thousands of lives and displaced millions of civilians. What does it look like to contend with the question of Palestine in the present day? This workshop invites participants to learn together, engage in facilitated dialogue, and consider our own roles in seeking justice and engendering peace.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

BIPOC Affinity Dinner: Thursday, January 25

The English Department is holding an affinity dinner for BIPOC (Black, indigenous, and people of color) students and faculty on Thursday, Jan 25 from 6-8 PM at the Refectory. RSVP here.