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Monday, March 19, 2018

Jobs for Graduating English Majors: Penn Ophthalmology

Communications and Marketing Specialist
Ophthalmology Department, University of Pennsylvania 

--Manage the Facebook profile of the Ophthalmology Department, including keeping track of faculty/staff in mainstream news as well as vision-related general interest articles and posting regularly, producing organic content, taking and posting photos at departmental events, staying up-to-date with best practices in social media, and developing methods to expand online presence.  
--Explore expansion of Departmental social media to other platforms.
--Maintain and expand the Ophthalmology Department website, including updating news information, designing new pages as needed, and making platform more user-friendly.
--Write original articles for Scheie Vision magazine, including brainstorming, interviewing, editing, and contributing to design, with a special focus on the photography, design elements, and publication of the magazine.
--Lead marketing efforts for Ophthalmology Department, including design of ads and promotion of elective services.
--Collaborate with the Communications Department and Marketing Department at UPenn to ensure Departmental news receives maximal coverage.
--Contribute to writing manuscripts for research studies as needed.
--Generate communication and marketing materials for the Primary Open-Angle African American Glaucoma Genetics Study.

--The applicant must have a Bachelor's degree; demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills; be highly organized; and possess strong ambition, interpersonal skills, and the ability to multitask.
--If you are interested in applying, please send a resume, cover letter, and writing sample to Rebecca Salowe at Rebecca.salowe@uphs.upenn.edu.

Medical Writer
Ophthalmology Department, University of Pennsylvania 

--Prepare presentations for Chairman of Ophthalmology Department at University of Pennsylvania on a variety of topics, such as ocular cancers or increasing representation of women in medicine.
--Write and edit letters of recommendation, speeches, and other official documents for Ophthalmology Department.
--Write original articles for bi-annual Scheie Vision magazine, including brainstorming, interviewing, editing, and contributing to design, with a special focus on covering internal events and updates.
--Create online newsletter to communicate news and relevant information to alumni and donors.
--Undertake responsibility for all internal Departmental communication, including sending monthly news emails to faculty and staff, editing all Departmental emails/communication materials, and designing internal Intranet.
--Assist with drafting and submission of grant applications for Ophthalmology Department.
--Contribute to writing manuscripts for research studies as needed.
--Collaborate with the Executive Assistant on general office management of the Chairman's suite, greeting visitors, and answering telephones.

--The applicant must have a Bachelor's degree; demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills; be highly organized; and possess strong ambition, interpersonal skills, and the ability to multitask.
--If you are interested in applying, please send a resume, cover letter, and writing sample to Rebecca Salowe at Rebecca.salowe@uphs.upenn.edu.